University Events in a time of Zoom: TWO YEAR-LONG SERIES

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As Acting Director of the Kevorkian Center (May 2020 - Sept 2021) I reconceptualized the scope and scale of what meaningful public facing events from our center might look like in a time of remote access & distance.

These (2) year-long series, were created to be more conversational and lean into the realities we were facing during COVID. We hosted 22 events across and brought over 80 activists, scholars, and practitioners in conversation, and reached thousands of people across the world.
All the videos are publicly available on the Kevorkian Center’s YouTube page and more info on the series framing, format, and sequence is on the NYU Kevo website: Digital Forays in Middle Eastern Studies // Global Uprising .

Also see two student centered platforms that emerged from integrating
these events directly in our core curriculum as asynchronous material

Digital Forays Global Uprising

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